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Huatai thermal oil furnace helps Mexican food processing and development

 HUATAI 2021-03-09 

As a leader in the industrial boiler industry, Huatai Boiler is committed to providing users of various industries with matching boiler systems.

This time, Henan Huatai Boiler, with its excellent gas heat transfer oil boiler solutions and a good reputation in the market, has reached a cooperation with a leading food company in Mexico.

Huatai foreign trade sales staff through detailed communication with the other side, to understand the needs of the other side.Huatai Boiler customized YY (Q) W-2400Y (Q) gas heat transfer oil boiler and matching steam generator.



Model No. :YY (Q) W-2400-Y (Q)

Rated heating capacity (KW): 2400KW

Rated steam pressure (MPa): 0.8MPa

Applicable fuel: light oil, liquefied natural gas, natural gas

Performance advantage: boiler small volume, high temperature, high efficiency, safe and reliable


Head of Food Science and Technology said: "There are many gas heat transfer oil boiler manufacturers in the market.After many comparisons, we choose China's Henan Huatai Boiler.It turned out to be the right choice, too.

Huatai Boiler determined our production needs, quickly put forward a solution for us to choose, both reasonable and targeted;Late normal manufacturing links, repeated communication and rapid response, the whole service careful, thoughtful, meticulous, efficient!"

In short, Henan Huatai Boiler will give full play to its professional advantages, help more users reduce operating costs, improve economic benefits, and provide strong support for the high-quality and sustainable development of all walks of life!

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